Suburban Bethlehem Lutheran Church and School disciples each generation to grow deeply, serve humbly and go boldly in Christ to advance God’s kingdom.

Core Values

“Why do we do what we do?” Answering this question will reveal the DNA (building blocks) of the congregation. The answer reveals the heart and soul of the ministry and forms the foundation on which the mission and vision are built. Discovering core values is the basis for knowing and understanding the church’s identity which are at the core of the church’s culture. Core Values are necessary in the life of the church. They reveal a church’s distinctiveness, communicate what’s important, enhance credible leadership, inspire people to action, evaluate change, and contribute to ministry success.

SBL has identified the following seven core values.

Deeply Rooted – Growing together by effectively studying, teaching and preaching God’s Word (2 Timothy 3:14-17; Romans 7:14-25)
Emphasizing Family – A tradition of teaching, building and encouraging families (Romans 15:4-5)
Glorifying Worship – Varying styles, connected in praise with unanimity in purpose (John 4:23; Ephesians 4:1-6; Psalms 95 and 96; Revelation 4 – 5)
Serving Together – Growing and going through service (John 13:1-20)
Encouraging Others – Sharing Hope and Support to each generation (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
Praying Faithfully – Understanding the importance and exercising the power of prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
Pursuing Excellence – Striving for excellence and honoring God in all things (Exodus 35:4-29)